For this group project, ARTS, also known as A Reason to Survive, presented us with a mural project for the 8th and B street building project in National City, CA. We were each tasked to create an abstract mural layout alongside an individual icon in which each of us would combine collectively in our versions of the mural layout.

The icons I designed were based off different aspects of National City that reflect man-made and nature elements. My contrast of man-made and nature elements represents the diversity and coexistence of the people and nature in National City.

During my design process I explored many different areas and was very inspired by the water sources such as Pier 32 Marina, Paradise Marsh, and Paradise Creek in National City. My idea for the background was to have the fish move through the creek, leading the viewers eyes to the icons. Using other group members icons, I began to play with their shapes and placement on the mural grid.

Finally, I would have my final layout design. I had decided to make some of the simpler shapes in a square punch out while the organic and more detailed shapes would be cut out normally. This would help with contrast and align the icons better within the grid.

For the materials of my solution, I went with stainless steel for the icons because it is sturdy and has a nice sheen. Aluminum was another possible option to go with because it is close to steel for less money. For the background I went with a monochromatic blue scheme to give the viewers a sense of tranquility and to match the water theming.

Here is a mockup I made of the final proposal.

Although my final layout design was not chosen, some of my icons were selected. At the end this was a great experience, and I learned a lot about experiential and graphic design.